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Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme – Making a Claim through HMRC

Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme – Making a Claim through HMRC

As you’re probably already aware the online service is now available and you can make a claim here .

The full guidance and examples can be found here.  Continue reading “Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme – Making a Claim through HMRC” »


Tips on Micro Business B2B Marketing

Of course there are many, many people who wax lyrical about B2B, indeed any dammed marketing, though I wonder if they really have any experience of it. Continue reading “Tips on Micro Business B2B Marketing” »


Some challenging interview questions!

I remember attending several training courses on the subject of interview and selections techniques. Particularly in house training when I worked for some very large corporations. Continue reading “Some challenging interview questions!” »


Sales slow? How about being a nicer person!

Well we’ve all met obnoxious, arrogant yet successful people. When you leave their company it’s hard to find something good to say about them, but what are the traits of the people who leave a mark on your heart? Continue reading “Sales slow? How about being a nicer person!” »


2015 Budget Summary

The election was of course uppermost in the Chancellor’s mind. Continue reading “2015 Budget Summary” »


Is it worth advertising with a Vlogger?

Given that promotion on the Web in most any format is thought to be a good plan, I was most interested to read that companies who promote their brands using video blogs (or vloggs) are according to the article; simply wasting their money! Continue reading “Is it worth advertising with a Vlogger?” »


Small Business Saturday 6th December 2014

Another import from the US after Black Friday, Small Business Saturday aims to support and promote small business. Continue reading “Small Business Saturday 6th December 2014” »


Key Points Autumn Statement 2014

Growth Continue reading “Key Points Autumn Statement 2014” »


An increase in underpaid tax thresholds collected via PAYE

Continue reading “An increase in underpaid tax thresholds collected via PAYE” »


Data protection answers to small business questions

Contrary to popular belief “Data Protection” does not ban you from doing everyday common sense things to run your business.  Continue reading “Data protection answers to small business questions” »


Can I Retire Now?

It seems almost surreal to say so to some people “you could retire now”, but I really do wonder if people who would love to semi retire or finish working entirely have really thought carefully enough about the process or just leave it as an unfathomable dream? Continue reading “Can I Retire Now?” »


Stepping Into A New Market

If I’m setting up a business I confess to cutting a few corners, but as a serial entrepreneur, I tend to have a constant eye on the market, competition, prices and much, much more.

It struck me though, that some of the rules I follow don’t really have to be set in concrete. Most business people would consider these top points before setting out (in business or production/sale of something new) Continue reading “Stepping Into A New Market” »


The First Rules of Marketing

The first rule in marketing is surely to establish whether there’s a market for your product or if you can create one? Continue reading “The First Rules of Marketing” »


Guidelines for working with your spouse.

Are you of the thought that spending more time with your hubby or wife would be wonderful or a complete nightmare? You could have a wonderful relationship but would it all go to pot if you had to spend 24/7 together? Continue reading “Guidelines for working with your spouse.” »


Weird Expense Claims

A lovely lady called Kate sent me a copy of a recent survey into expenses. The survey was commissioned by Access aCloud and looked into the methodology of expenses processing, claims and re-payment. Interesting (well perhaps) but the rascal in me spotted the side comments in the survey, which I found much more interesting – well ok, amusing. Continue reading “Weird Expense Claims” »


Employers can reduce their Employer NI contributions from April 6th this year

The HMRC has now issued guidance and exclusions on how to claim up to £2000 per year of your Class 1 NIC’s and don’t forget it takes effect on 6th April 2014. Continue reading “Employers can reduce their Employer NI contributions from April 6th this year” »


An Xbox One for your small business? Mixed messages from Microsoft

Last month Microsoft launched its offering for the eighth generation of video game consoles, the Xbox One. Along with a state-of-the-art video game engine, the console includes live HDTV support, motion control, videoconferencing, cloud storage and multi-tasking capabilities – all part of what reviewer Matt Helegson of Game Informer describes as the software giant’s mission to take “control of the living room”. Continue reading “An Xbox One for your small business? Mixed messages from Microsoft” »


Asset Protection Trust – Can You Really Avoid Carehome Fees ?

Over recent years, Asset Protection Trusts have been sold to the public as a way of ring-fencing capital to ensure it is not eroded by care home costs, inheritance tax and other potential asset corroding activities. Continue reading “Asset Protection Trust – Can You Really Avoid Carehome Fees ?” »


Running a business in a war zone…

Well ok, perhaps not a war zone, but I spotted a recent article on the BBC website, which made fascinating reading. I’ve abbreviated some of its points here, as I was just awestruck. Of course many of the globe’s people have little choice, but how in God’s name do they do so? Continue reading “Running a business in a war zone…” »


Using the Open Market Option To Maximise Your Pension Annuity

Do you realise that even if you have been saving into a pension scheme with the same provider for your entire working life, when it comes to choosing how your pension fund is paid out, you have a greater range of choice than you may be led to believe. Continue reading “Using the Open Market Option To Maximise Your Pension Annuity” »

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