I’ll tell you why I thought of writing this as I wonder how many of you have had to deal with the issue of cleanliness or body odour in the work place? I’m sorry to say that I have and it’s difficult to say the least! Continue reading “How does one tackle BO in the work place?” »
Office Environment
How does one tackle BO in the work place?
Does old fashioned etiquette and dress sense matter in the modern office?
I ask the question because (as you can imagine) I do have my own views and I’d love to hear yours. It’s interesting to find people turn up for interview in dirty shoes and scruffy attire and yes, even today those first impressions do count. Continue reading “Does old fashioned etiquette and dress sense matter in the modern office?” »
What should you do with Mobile Phones in the Office?
I’d lock them all up! . Continue reading “What should you do with Mobile Phones in the Office?” »
Tips for Improving Productivity at Work…or Anywhere!
Ok, so we have lots to do and I don’t multitask – I know I don’t. My hubby on the other hand is rather proud of the fact that he can and I guess as a chef he’s had to (although I say he can’t).
However I read with interest that some of the best musicians avoid multitasking because it is felt doing so actually confuses the mind and leads to a lot more jobs that don’t really get done very well Continue reading “Tips for Improving Productivity at Work…or Anywhere!” »
If you can’t manage your own money, how are you going to manage ours?
An interesting question don’t you think? In other companies I’ve worked for, it was “kind of” assumed that as a manager got promoted and accepted more responsibility, so that responsibility included the departmental budget. Now I for one, don’t believe that anyone can grasp any company or departmental budget without understanding their own domestic budget – in simple terms, if you can’t manage your own money, how are you going to manage ours Continue reading “If you can’t manage your own money, how are you going to manage ours?” »
Measuring an Employee’s Performance. So why did you employ them?
The issue of staff turnover must be the most enduring subject and let me immediately say that I offer no earth shattering solution to the ongoing problems of recruiting the right staff for your business and keeping them motivated but, I do raise some points that might kick off some debate. Continue reading “Measuring an Employee’s Performance. So why did you employ them?” »
The Importance of Fitness at Work
When I left the gym last night, I joked with a friend who said she was going home to a beer; that I was going home for supper and for me there was a direct correlation between how nice I was to my wife in the morning and the likelihood of there being supper on the table when I get home. Continue reading “The Importance of Fitness at Work” »
Client Issues Report – The Directors Dashboard (Part 4)
Perhaps most appropriate for the service industry, a report that I created and used to ask for was the ‘Client Issues Report’ (CIR). Basically the CIR listed each Account Manager’s clients in order of significance to the business – most profitable perhaps would be an obvious criteria, but it depends on you. Continue reading “Client Issues Report – The Directors Dashboard (Part 4)” »
An Interesting Look at What Makes a Good Manager
Google must be one of the most common single words used in the business world today and often in the context of computers and search engines of course. I was interested to read an article in the New York Times about the Peeps at Google driving for a better Continue reading “An Interesting Look at What Makes a Good Manager” »
Keeping control with minimum interference – The Directors Dashboard (Part Two)
In Part One of my blog on the Directors Dashboard I listed a number of business areas that one would expect to keep close tabs on and I’ve been asked to expand on one report which was the Client Visitation form. Now of course this won’t suit every company and is probably more suited to service type businesses Continue reading “Keeping control with minimum interference – The Directors Dashboard (Part Two)” »
Keeping control with minimum interference – The Directors Dashboard (Part One)
One single monthly report, the panacea of every director! Well perhaps not quite, but keeping a handle on what’s going on and (I for one, think critically) ensuring what you NEED to happen, happens!
Forgive me before I progress because Continue reading “Keeping control with minimum interference – The Directors Dashboard (Part One)” »
Getting back to work after extended time off
So I’m lucky enough to have taken seven weeks off work! Yes seven – eat your heart out J. I won’t bore you with where my hubby and I travelled to, but what I would like to do is share with you some thoughts on the difficulties of getting back to work Continue reading “Getting back to work after extended time off” »
Location, Location, Location – Can you buck the business premise?
One of the major considerations in opening a retail unit, shop or restaurant used to be (and I assume still is) location. Certainly when I went to college they would drum it into us – location, location, location, thus ensuring there’s the right amount of foot fall and getting that all important passing trade, which is why shopping centres and retail parks always have an Continue reading “Location, Location, Location – Can you buck the business premise?” »
Office Politics… Bringing Cakes into the Office
My husband used to be a chef and still likes to do a bit of baking and I recently brought in a lovely Battenberg for our small team which brought this situation to mind. Over the last few years I’ve brought some of my wares into the various offices I’ve managed and they go down a storm. It’s also great given the fact my waistline won’t stand me chomping Continue reading “Office Politics… Bringing Cakes into the Office” »
Lack of appreciation for office plants
As a generalisation most small business owners take quite a paternalistic approach to their staff.
Working in a small team engenders a family like environment and we try to ensure (within budgetary constraints) that staff remain happy Continue reading “Lack of appreciation for office plants” »