Since all the recent Google changes targeting spam, online comment and blogosphere is talking about quality, targeted content to attract customers as well as improving rankings on Google Continue reading “Online Content & Marketing – What can a Small Business do to Compete?” »
Misc Business Advice
Online Content & Marketing – What can a Small Business do to Compete?
Is now a good time to buy Barclays shares?
With many banks taking a beating in the press over the last months, indeed years, Barclays Bank has continued to take an uncomfortable centre stage recently and it continues today, with criticism of Mr Jenkins appointment as the new CEO because he’s an insider Continue reading “Is now a good time to buy Barclays shares?” »
Fed up with the British weather? How about a career in International Business?
If you’re considering a career change and working internationally appeals to you then congratulations, I think you’ve chosen a path that will offer some amazing opportunities both for your professional and personal life. Continue reading “Fed up with the British weather? How about a career in International Business?” »
Smartphones: Does your business need one?
Technology is said to be an entrepreneur’s best friend and a great example of how it can help our businesses lies with smartphones. These all purpose companions have quickly turned into a must-have accessory for business owners. Here are a few reasons why. Continue reading “Smartphones: Does your business need one?” »
Location, Location, Location – Can you buck the business premise?
One of the major considerations in opening a retail unit, shop or restaurant used to be (and I assume still is) location. Certainly when I went to college they would drum it into us – location, location, location, thus ensuring there’s the right amount of foot fall and getting that all important passing trade, which is why shopping centres and retail parks always have an Continue reading “Location, Location, Location – Can you buck the business premise?” »
Checking that a Company or Professional Consultant is really Google Adwords Qualified or a Certified Partner
We have recently been looking for an AdWords professional to implement and manage AdWords campaigns for a new website in a competitive market place. As with any supplier or consultant it’s important that we employ a company or individual that is highly experienced and qualified and therefore decided that our first requirement Continue reading “Checking that a Company or Professional Consultant is really Google Adwords Qualified or a Certified Partner” »
The challenge of selling your product or service
The biggest challenge facing virtually all businesses is selling. Any enterprise rises or falls on the strength of its ability to sell their product or service. If sales are high, it thrives. If they’re low, it’s just a matter of time before it fails Continue reading “The challenge of selling your product or service” »
Choosing The Right Domain Name For Your Business
When it comes to launching a new website, the domain name is simply something you cannot afford to get wrong. Getting the right domain can make all the difference to your rankings and brand image so in this post, I want to explore just a few factors that you should be aware of before picking the perfect domain Continue reading “Choosing The Right Domain Name For Your Business” »
CQC Guidance
I was reminding myself the other day what the CQC guidance on employing staff in Health and Social Care roles says. and turned to Outcomes 12, 13 and 14 to refresh my memory. In essence, an employee has to be fit for the role Continue reading “CQC Guidance” »