From a lay persons stand point how does a technophobe director of a small company choose the right digital agency to promote their website? In such a competitive market with so many agencies to choose and all of them waxing lyrical about how good they are, where do you start Continue reading “12 Tips for Choosing a Digital or Internet Marketing Agency” »
Marketing & Advertising
12 Tips for Choosing a Digital or Internet Marketing Agency
Participating in your first Exhibition?
Taking part in an exhibition for the first time can be a daunting experience for anyone, big company or small. But if you prepare in the right way the results you can get out of that experience can be invaluable. Read on for some valuable tips for planning and attending your first exhibition. Continue reading “Participating in your first Exhibition?” »
How to make sure your business marketing is on track for 2016
October, November and December are months during which plans are begun for the following year. Continue reading “How to make sure your business marketing is on track for 2016” »
Free Top Online Business Listings
There is so much written about businesses who do well on the Internet ,how to improve your online business, how to improve conversion or sell more of a given range or item, but what if all you have just a small website and no visitors to it and effectively no online presence? Continue reading “Free Top Online Business Listings” »
The 6 Marketing Weapons for ANY Pop Up Shop
Pop up shops are, quite literally, popping up everywhere. No one can deny their popularity, nor question their trendiness. Continue reading “The 6 Marketing Weapons for ANY Pop Up Shop” »
Forget the marketing, we’re all for social media…
said the unemployed marketing manager! Ok, so social media must be the biggest buzz word for most companies now and lets face it, the way a company communicates with its prospects and potential customers has changed exponentially over the last few years. For many it’s difficult to grasp all the Facebook, Twitter ,“likes” and stuff (especially if you’re over 50), however are we able to drop the traditional marketing – indeed more to the point, should we? Well before you think I’ve finally lost it, I for one sit securely in the NO camp! Continue reading “Forget the marketing, we’re all for social media…” »
So you now have an e-commerce shop but what should you do?
As an accountant, it occurred to me just recently that there are many people who’ve established online shopping websites and sit wondering why they aren’t performing as well as expected and where they should be allocating their budgets. Continue reading “So you now have an e-commerce shop but what should you do?” »
So we read that YouTube plans to start charging…
According to a recent report, YouTube, which is now owned by Google of course, is considering introducing a series of channels that you’ll have to pay for. The rumoured monthly charge is as low as $1.99US or about £1.20 or so, but the big thing is not the amount of the charge so much as the charge! Continue reading “So we read that YouTube plans to start charging…” »
Will How We Use Search Engines Change? Is Continuous Scrolling the answer?
In the early days of Google it was great. When looking for information or to buy something I found a whole range of other outlets for information, shops and products that I would have previously been unaware of, and that would have been difficult to research or find otherwise. It gave me so much more choice and options. Continue reading “Will How We Use Search Engines Change? Is Continuous Scrolling the answer?” »
Online Business, Local Market
While online marketing in itself is a long-term project that your business will need to maintain for the long haul, online marketing to your local customers specifically comes with its own set of unique challenges and rewards. First, you need to take steps to manage your online presence, as it is often the first impression potential customers have at your business Continue reading “Online Business, Local Market” »
Tips to help you run a successful e-mail campaign
Whilst a fantastic and low cost medium, one great challenge with e-mail campaigns is that if you run too many and importantly too many bad ones, you run an even greater risk of more and more people just dumping your mail – true it happens anyway, but well researched and well targeted mail campaigns can still show a good return Continue reading “Tips to help you run a successful e-mail campaign” »
Online Content & Marketing – What can a Small Business do to Compete?
Since all the recent Google changes targeting spam, online comment and blogosphere is talking about quality, targeted content to attract customers as well as improving rankings on Google Continue reading “Online Content & Marketing – What can a Small Business do to Compete?” »
Struggle for hand dryer clarity – Is it just me?
Well today’s whinge dear reader is about the ubiquitous electric hand dryer – now you might think I’ve got to much time on my hands (sorry, no pun intended), but my point here cuts to the very heart of advertising (well ok, “the very heart” is a bit of an exaggeration) Continue reading “Struggle for hand dryer clarity – Is it just me?” »
Website Hosting – Choosing the right solution for your business
Choosing the right hosting solution is one of the most important considerations when launching (or re-launching) a website. Picking the right host or configuration can mean the difference between a fast, snappy website or one that is sorely lacking. In this post I’ll cover some of the basic considerations to keep in mind when choosing a web host. Continue reading “Website Hosting – Choosing the right solution for your business” »
Checking that a Company or Professional Consultant is really Google Adwords Qualified or a Certified Partner
We have recently been looking for an AdWords professional to implement and manage AdWords campaigns for a new website in a competitive market place. As with any supplier or consultant it’s important that we employ a company or individual that is highly experienced and qualified and therefore decided that our first requirement Continue reading “Checking that a Company or Professional Consultant is really Google Adwords Qualified or a Certified Partner” »
4 Mistakes to Avoid When Marketing Your Website Online
If you’ve ever attempted to do your own internet marketing then you’ll know it can be a minefield out there. With all the misinformation and conflicting views it can be confusing to say the least when trying to work out the best way to move your site forward online. In this post, I want to explore some of the key elements that I think everyone would agree Continue reading “4 Mistakes to Avoid When Marketing Your Website Online” »
Last chance for SMX London – Search Marketing Expo 15th & 16th May 2012
A great search marketing conference for both SEO beginners and seasoned professionals alike, held at Chelsea Football Club – another bonus if you’re a supporter! Plus, get 15% with our discount code!
This year is a coup for SMX with Google’s Amit Singhal giving the Continue reading “Last chance for SMX London – Search Marketing Expo 15th & 16th May 2012” »
What a great marketing campaign!
We think Compare the Market’s award winning ‘Compare the Meerkat’ advertising and marketing campaigns are just fantastic and we’d like to thank them for keeping us entertained particularly as we have a Sergei lookie-likey here in the office. It’s provided us with quite a bit of entertainment and mickey taking! Continue reading “What a great marketing campaign!” »